The cash register is invented

Many products and services are created to solve a problem.  That’s why James Jacob Ritty invented the first mechanical cash register in the 1800s. He wanted to solve a major problem he encountered while owning and operating a saloon. One day, Ritty discovered he was losing money because although his customers were paying for their food and drink, his employees were pocketing the profits. Therefore, he needed a way to record cash transactions. This, he thought, would hold his employees accountable and keep them from stealing. No employees would want to steal from him again when they knew the cash register would expose them. Later on, the National Cash Register Company hired Charles F. Kettering  who improved on Ritty’s invention by powering the cash register with an electric motor.

The free cash register with credit card processing

The cash register has definitely come a long way since Ritty and Kettering were alive.  Today, not only can cash registers record transactions, but they can even process credit cards which is something the aforementioned inventors never even dreamed of. Bank Card Systems offers a free cash register with credit card processing. This device has all the functions of a normal electronic cash register except it also processes credit and debit cards. If a merchant wants to accept cash and credit, this device solves that problem because with it there is no need for a separate credit card terminal.

Another free choice of check out equipment

If a merchant wants to accept credit but already has an electronic cash register that does not accept credit , he or she can save money by simply getting a credit card machine. This solves the problem of having to purchase an entirely new machine just to accept credit card payments. That’s why Bank Card Systems also offers a free wireless credit card machine. This is a great piece of equipment to use if a merchant is constantly on the go. Merchants can easily transport this piece of equipment and process sales at any location. This piece of equipment is great for merchants who travel to fairs or expos to sell their goods. Just one swipe and the transaction is complete.

To see what other free choices of equipment Bank Card Systems offer, call and inquire about the free equipment program.

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