Optical components greatly influence commercial as well as personal life. We are highly dependent upon optical components as knowingly or unknowingly we use optical components in our day-to-day life. There are several types of optical components available in the market, which includes lenses, waveplates, prisms, polarizers, UV optics, thermal imaging, IR mirrors and many more.

Waveplates are transparent plates that are carefully chosen to manipulate the polarization of state of light beams. The company I am talking about here is “Rocky Mountain Components” that offers high quality quartz waveplates to cater all your needs and requirements. They are constantly hitting the tough specs and delivery on time while considering their customers’ expectations and needs. They are operating this business since 50 years and exactly know how to deliver quality optical components to their customers. Their experienced as well as skilled staff surely offers cost effective solutions to any of your problem. They design and manufacture zero as well as multi-order waveplates for maximum retardation accuracy. These waveplates are designed for both single and multi wavelength applications ranging from 5mm to 3 inches in size.

They have the leading and most advanced coating in-house department that offers quality anti-reflective speciality coatings, including UV narrowband anti-reflection, VIS/NIR narrowband anti-reflection, multi-wavelength anti-reflection and VIS/NIR single layer anti-reflection. These coatings use for optical assemblies in precision imaging and laser applications. The thorough testing procedures ensure to deliver the effective coatings in the industry. RMI is the optimum and cost effective solution for purchasing quality optical components.

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